10 natural charm in Indonesia
My homeland Indonesia Very beautiful country I love Noble Fatherland Which I worshiped all time
Safe and prosperous homeland The island is very lush coconut The island nation's jasmine idol Since old times
That's the second stanza beginning of the song 'seduction of Palm Island' by Ismail Marzuki, who describe how beautiful Indonesia. And the fact that the country now has 33 provinces is indeed blessed with beautiful nature, which is very dear to be forgotten. Now, before all the way to find the natural beauty of the country people have been fitting for us to visit places of interest before it. It took a long time to be able to enjoy it all, but do not have to worry because the author chose Natasha Dragun has summarized the 10 best natural charm in Indonesia as an edition was published in Mandala Magazine Jan-Mar 2010. The 10 sites selected are as follows:
1. Rice Terraces, Bali. Apart from the famous beaches, rice terraces of Bali, was amazing. Covering more than 20 percent of the island of Bali, rice terrace is not only to meet most needs of agriculture in Bali, but also a photographer's dream. from Puputan in the south west to Tabanan, Bali's mountains and valleys surrounded by rice fields without the dramatic end that changes color from emerald green to shiny green and then become golden brown in line mematangnya grains gradually throughout the year.
2. Orangutans, Sumatra. Sumatran orang-utan is one of the closest relatives of humans in the animal with 96% the same DNA. Monkey forest dwellers are the greatest in Southeast Asia and the only one that lived in trees and spend most of their lives amidst lush forest. Orangutans are now exist only in two islands, Sumatra and Kalimantan, with much smaller amounts in Sumatra. Due to poaching and loss of their habitat, the orang-utan is found only in the rainforest located on the northern tip of Sumatra.
3. Mount Bromo, East Java. One of the most becomes the object of photography in Indonesia, Mount Bromo (2329 m) wide crater is famous for continue to release smoke and sulfur. Situated in the vast Tengger caldera and surrounded by Ocean Sand (soft volcanic ash layers), this volcano is not the highest in the region, but it is definitely the most impressive, especially at sunset and sunrise. Put your alarm at about 3 am, rent sebiuah jeep and went to place his observations on Mount Penanjakan. You will not be disappointed.
4. Coral Walls, Bunaken Island. Located on the bay of Manado, North Sulawesi, Bunaken is surrounded by one of the best marine parks in Indonesia, decorated with stunning cliff walls and full of small caves that contain ribua colorful fish species. Park which has one of the highest marine biodiversity in the world, have about 70 varieties of coral, fish species are amazing, black and white finned sharks, even dugong.
5. Surf Breaks, Mentawai Island. Surfers, note from March to November, the tide in the Mentawai Islands should not be overlooked. The series of 70 large and small islands off the west coast of Sumatra, Mentawai is one of the world's leading surfing destination. Conditions are good throughout the year, but the best waves in June and July. Lunge waves in places like Lance's Left and Right, Macaronis and Gilligan's.
6. Dragons, Komodo National Park. If you think Komoda is a crocodile, you are not alone. Largest lizard species in the world is more like a prehistoric creature, grows to 3 meters and weigh around 70 kilograms. With 60 sharp teeth and running speed to 18 km / h, only a few can escape the target of this giant creature - who prey on everything from birds to large mammals.
7. Mount Rinjani, Lombok. Third highest among the 129 active volcanoes in Indonesia, Rinjani towering 3,726 meters above sea level on the island of Lombok. Surrounded by National Park, Rinjani overgrown with dense rain forests around its slopes, and has a large caldera - this time a deep crater lake is estimated to reach 2000 meters. The best way to see the whole island is to climb Rinjani. But even this is risky because sometimes the mountain spewing ash and lava.
8. Rafflesia Flower, Borneo. Rafflesia is famous because of the stench and the color is very bright. This gigantic parasitic plant has the largest flower in the world. Some may have more than one meter in diameter and weighing up to 10 kg. Another reason for not picking the flowers are red pomegranate is a smell that resembles the smell of rotting flesh, survival tactics to attract flies and beetles as well as helping with pollination. Flowers are very seldom found during bloom because it only lasted a few days.
9. Lake Toba Sumatra. Being situated on the Pacific ring of Fire, is not surprising that the largest lake in Indonesia, and also in Southeast Asia, a giant volcanic lake. Located in North Sumatra, Lake Toba was formed from a large volcanic eruption about 70,000 years ago. Currently the water is covered 1707 square kilometers area of cellular and its depth reaches 505 meters - with the beautiful island of Samosir in the middle. Let's dive into or rent a boat and explore the lake at sunset.
10. Uluwatu Temple, Bali. Although Bali has many beautiful temples, but the temple is probably the most stunning Uluwatu Temple located on the cliff 70 meters above the Indian Ocean off the southwestern coast of the Bukit Peninsula. As one of the 'heaven universe' which protect the island of Bali from evil spirits, partly founded by professor Kuturan Uluwatu, a holy priest from Java, in the 11th century. Seeing the sun sets in this place is an experience that you will not forget.
Have all of your visit? If not, all it's worth a place you enter in the upcoming holiday plans.
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