Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

Keindahan Alam Endah Bandung

Nature Endang - Overview of Natural Beauty Endah Bandung. Eve along the way Ciwidey district, Bandung regency pretty cool, on left and right side of the road, strawberry plot was refreshing eye, on some side roads that mangajak board attached the rider to pick strawberries in the garden. Nature Village is located in District Rancabali Endah, which still includes Regency Bandung, in the mountain area south of Bandung, West Java, the location not far from the District Ciwidey. If Rancabali formerly known as the tea garden area, local residents now have a new livelihood is strawberry. Kendatai still relatively new, at least 500 farmers have switched from business vegetables to strawberries, other than to sell fruit, some residents then took the initiative to do business Straberry Walk, together with Tea Walk, domestic tourists can stroll in the gardens of strawberries, only difference they can directly enjoy the freshness of the fruit picked from the tree. Judging from the tourist attraction, the Village has the potential of Natural Endah once why this is so the following explanation:

* Tourists can take a walk to feel the coolness of nature in gardens stretching nan strawberries, meets these demands can immediately enjoy the freshness of picking their own strawberries directly from the branches of the plant.
* Make the students, they can also practice how to plant a strawberry tree. After paraktek planting, the tree can be slim in ornamental, in accordance with the creativity of each, its own program called GREEN TMAGOCHI.
* In addition to the strawberry farm, there are also dining and children's playground. Based on that, not surprisingly, its main target is the family.
While the facilities are as follows:

* Lodging
Kampoeng Strawberry, Bungalow and Restaurant
Natural Barutunggul km.07 Rancabali Endah
Phone, 022-859 20 550
* Parking area
* Various games like Gokar, Flying Fox, Board Climbing, High Rope, Ball Fishing, Slippery and Swing & Jump, Everything must Seru
The Accessibility to get to the Village of Natural Endah Route from Jakarta:

* Jakarta - Cipularang - Toll Kopo out on this route
The most short, but frequent traffic jams along the way Kopo. would be more
safe when crossing the area at night.
* Jakarta - Cipularang - Stone Fruit Toll towards
Banjaran - Soreang - Ciwidey.
* Jakarta - Leuwi Elephant - Soreang - Ciwidey.
For an alternative Travel Jakarta Bandung Could use a Day Trans So if you want to enjoy the beauty of Nature Endah Bandung, West Java. Among sekiratan Ban Tourism Info

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